In order to be part of Surabaya Night Performance, WAFT held Electro:Work 4.0 – Frequently, in collaboration with Tourism Department of Surabaya. As the fourth Electronic music festival since 2009, this event started with discussion, talk, and workshop. Workshop and forum discussion held in four different places with various contents. In Aiola eatery, we invited Standhard DJ to share about basic knowledge using DJ tools. In second day, class moved to Regular Melting Pot and Waft Lab led the workshop of Audio Programming using Open Source Software. The third at UNESA (Surabaya State University) and the last was ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology), which held forum discussion also workshop about making simple electronic instruments.
In order to be part of Surabaya Night Performance, WAFT held Electro:Work 4.0 – Frequently, in collaboration with Tourism Department of Surabaya. As the fourth Electronic music festival since 2009, this event started with discussion, talk, and workshop. Workshop and forum discussion held in four different places with various contents. In Aiola eatery, we invited Standhard DJ to share about basic knowledge using DJ tools. In second day, class moved to Regular Melting Pot and Waft Lab led the workshop of Audio Programming using Open Source Software. The third at UNESA (Surabaya State University) and the last was ITS (Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology), which held forum discussion also workshop about making simple electronic instruments.
Talk and Discussion at UNESA - Surabaya
Photograph by Juvesandy
Photograph by Juvesandy
Aldo (Regular Melting Pot)
Phleg (Bassterd)
Samuel Respati (Sound Design)
Yoyon (Melawan Kebisingan Kota)
Damis (Noise Brut)
Asysyam (Waft-Lab)
Gema Swaratyagita (Composer)
Aldo (Regular Melting Pot)
Phleg (Bassterd)
Samuel Respati (Sound Design)
Yoyon (Melawan Kebisingan Kota)
Damis (Noise Brut)
Asysyam (Waft-Lab)
Gema Swaratyagita (Composer)
Talk and Discussion at ITS - Surabaya
Photograph by Juvesandy
Photograph by Juvesandy
Place : Faculty of Fine Art - UNESA, Surabaya
Day/Date : Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Time : 09.00 - 11.30
Place : Despro - ITS, Surabaya
Day/Date : Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Time : 13.00 - 15.30
Workshop (After Panel Talk) :
How to make simple electronic music instrument with WAFT-LAB
Day/Date : Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Time : 09.00 - 11.30
Place : Despro - ITS, Surabaya
Day/Date : Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Time : 13.00 - 15.30
Workshop (After Panel Talk) :
How to make simple electronic music instrument with WAFT-LAB
DJ-ing with STANDHARD DJ at AIOLA Eatery
Photograph by Juvesandy
Photograph by Juvesandy
Sound Programming with WAFT-LAB at REGULAR MELTING POT
Photograph by Juvesandy
Photograph by Juvesandy
Place : Aiola Eatery, Jl. Slamet No.16 Surabaya
Day/Date : Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Time : 18.30 - 21.00
Sound Programming with WAFT-LAB
+ Bring Your Laptop
Place : Regular Melting Pot, Jl.Margorejo Masjid 23 E Surabaya
Day/Date : Thursday, 21 November 2013
Time : 13.00 - 15.00
Electronic Art with WAFT-LAB
Place : Faculty of Fine Art - UNESA, Surabaya
Day/Date : Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Time : After Panel Talk
Place : Despro - ITS, Surabaya
Day/Date : Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Time : After Panel Talk
Place : Aiola Eatery, Jl. Slamet No.16 Surabaya
Day/Date : Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Time : 18.30 - 21.00
Sound Programming with WAFT-LAB
+ Bring Your Laptop
Place : Regular Melting Pot, Jl.Margorejo Masjid 23 E Surabaya
Day/Date : Thursday, 21 November 2013
Time : 13.00 - 15.00
Electronic Art with WAFT-LAB
Place : Faculty of Fine Art - UNESA, Surabaya
Day/Date : Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Time : After Panel Talk
Place : Despro - ITS, Surabaya
Day/Date : Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Time : After Panel Talk
Electronic Art Workshop at UNESA - Surabaya
Photograph by Juvesandy
Photograph by Juvesandy
Electronic Art Workshop at ITS - Surabaya
Photograph by Juvesandy
Photograph by Juvesandy
After two weeks of various workshop and small discussion forum, then the main event was held in Balai Pemuda, November 2013 with more than 20 lineup from Surabaya, Bandung, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta.
After two weeks of various workshop and small discussion forum, then the main event was held in Balai Pemuda, November 2013 with more than 20 lineup from Surabaya, Bandung, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta.
This event positively responds to the movement of electronic music in Surabaya. Because we believe that Surabaya has many potential electronic musicians and through this festival, they explored and showed their works to wide range public. So they can get appreciations, critics, and feedbacks for further progression.
/ VIDEO:WRK is the largest biennial video festival in Surabaya. Started in 2009, the event encompassed screening, workshop, lecturing, artist talk and public presentation.
The event was initiated through the efforts of some local video artists. It has been a forum of artistic creativity and innovation for both national and international video artists.
/ NO:WORK National Observation Work is a periodical event focusing on education. From workshop, seminar, presentation, and forum, anything that's educating is in.
We invite practitioner from various disciplines to share and teach for the benefit of knowledge development.
/ VJ / VISUAL JOCKEY / creates or manipulates visuals in realtime through technological mediation in synchronization to music. It implies realtime processing material from storage media such as tapes, disks, video, still images, live camera input, or computer generated visuals. The idea of VJing came from art forms that deal with synesthetic experience of vision and sound. It created a certain challenge that audio and visual have to relate together in each section as well as the whole set.
People used to think video as decorations. However, the rise of visual performance in the new century has brought new dynamics to its practice. The availability and affordability of new consumer-level technology allowed many more people to get involved into VJing. This sense of collective then translated from the virtual world onto physical spaces and becomes apparent through numerous festivals with strong focus on VJing.
is a collaboration project of Helmi Hardian and Konstantijn. The project held at Samola DJ Shop combined nowadays technology with daily kits -i.e. circuit bending- to create cutting edge sounds. It involved several DJs and performers to come and play!
is a collaboration project of Helmi Hardian and Konstantijn. The project held at Samola DJ Shop combined nowadays technology with daily kits -i.e. circuit bending- to create cutting edge sounds. It involved several DJs and performers to come and play!
The background of Fun with Knobs recalled from the artists' childhood memories. How it felt great when we were kid, kids who played with diverse sounds of the universe.