Since its very beginning, Waft's focus has been on the tension and interplay at the interdisciplinary art practices in Surabaya, Indonesia. It was initiated through the efforts of a group of people – people who are passionate about what they do, backed by lengthy experience in event organizer and intense documentation of art events and performances. These references are instrumental to the development of educative yet innovative medium and creative playground.
This website is in constant development and will be continually updated.
W.A.F.T at a glance

/ TECHNOLOGY as the essential part of civilization has brought a great impact to life. A world without technology is an idle world. Surely, it is not an ideal we want. Thus, we believe in the statement of "Modernity as a state of mind not a life style". We emphasize on curiosity of all kinds of technology and its derivations.

Mostly, we failed to define and explore our local tradition which might lead us to a more profound definition of technology. This circumstance could occur because of ignorance toward surrounding environment.

We create a better technology by learning and understanding both modern and traditional wisdoms. For a cultural technopolies. For a world of harmony.
/ VIDEO:WRK is the largest biennial video festival in Surabaya. Started in 2009, the event encompassed screening, workshop, lecturing, artist talk and public presentation.
The event was initiated through the efforts of some local video artists. It has been a forum of artistic creativity and innovation for both national and international video artists.
/ NO:WORK National Observation Work is a periodical event focusing on education. From workshop, seminar, presentation, and forum, anything that's educating is in.
We invite practitioner from various disciplines to share and teach for the benefit of knowledge development.